Law School Professor analysis the Increasing Role of China in the International System

发布时间:2022-03-07 字体大小 T |T

Professor Douglas de Castro from the School of Law – Lanzhou University - published an opinion article titled "The Rise of China as a Protagonist in International Scene: a Reality."

The article has been published on the Internet and printed in the newspaper in Brazil (in Portuguese only – ISSN 2446-9394):

Professor Castro argues in the article that the international system is formed by independent and sovereign states seeking their national interest. In that sense, the developmental model that emerged after the Second World War has been under constant crisis, to mention a few the successive financial crisis, the food crisis in 2008, and the climate emergency the world faces.

Professor Castro points out that China's rise as an important actor in the world, which, while causing discomfort and false perceptions, points to a worldview worth a better understanding.

         Citing some of the stances taken for China, Professor Castro indicates the hunger eradication, the increasing concerns and projects towards protecting the environment, and a win-win mentality that rejects the zero-sum game played by some countries.

He affirms that history has not ended as vaticinated by Francis Fukuyama in the 1990s as now the world needs to deal with socialism with Chinese characteristics.   

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