The Opening of Summer School of LZULS

发布时间:2021-07-10 字体大小 T |T

On the morning of July 7th, the Summer School of Lanzhou University Law School officially opened. Dr. Shen Sida from the Law School of Zhengzhou University was invited to our school for teacher-student exchanges and research activities. From July 8th to 9th, Dr. Shen conducted four seminars and held discussion on the topics of American law education, bilingual teaching of international law, and the American judicial system. There were about 80 undergraduates  participating in the summer school program.


During a two-day schedule, Dr. Shen shared his personal experience and elaborated on a general picture of American law education, explained the differences between the Chinese and American law education systems and with case studies further elucidate the American judicial system. Meanwhile, Dr. Shen emphasized that students should pay special attention to the nuances produced by the national conditions and system characteristics of the Chinese judicial system. The lively and interesting lectures contain detailed and clear content, which is conducive to students for a preliminary understanding of American law education and judicial system.


The two-day program was also greeted with positive feedback as participants recognized that the summer school session has successfully broadened their horizons and strengthened knowledge.  A better understanding of the American law education and judicial system paved the way for their consciously making a distinction between Chinese and American legal cultures and draw a lesson from American law practices.


After the summer school activity finished, Secretary Sha Peng had a warm exchange with Dr. Shen, and praised Mr. Shen for returning to China so as to engage in higher education, and awarded Mr. Shen the off-campus tutoring appointment letter of Lanzhou University Law School.