Professor Yang Sanzheng Participates in the "28th Academic Seminar of China Legal Logics Specialties Committee"

发布时间:2020-10-10 字体大小 T |T

From October 4th to October 7th, the 28th Academic Seminar of China Legal Logics Specialties Committee is successfully held in Yinchuan, Ningxia. This seminar is hosted by China Legal Logics Specialties Committee (CLLSC) and organized by the Law School of North Minzu University. Experts, scholars, and academic researchers from many universities, colleges and research institutions participate in the seminar and discuss legal logics together, on the subject of "Fundamental Theories and Practical Application of Legal Logics". Yang Sanzheng, Executive Director of CLLSC and professor of Lanzhou University Law School, is invited to the seminar. He presides over the fourth discussion "Forum of Lawyers and Judges".


The first subject is "Studies on Wu Jialin's Legal Logic Researches". The second subject is "Fundamental Theories of Legal Logics". The third subject is "Legal Logics and Artificial Intelligence", and the fourth subject is "Forum of Lawyers and Judges". The fifth subject is "Forum of Master and Doctor of Legal Logics".